Your Legal Rights

Please note that CLAN does not recommend or refer any law firms or solicitors.

Victims of Crime compensation and support differs depending on each state.

Please click on the state most relevant to your time in “care” for more information

Here is a document which provides information about some of the different legal pathways Care Leavers can take. prepared by Angela Sdrinis Legal.


Angela Sdrinis of Angela Sdrinis Legal is currently investigating claims against the Salvation Army. If you were abused in a Salvation Army Home or have information regarding abuse in Salvation Army Homes, please contact Angela Sdrinis on (03) 9686 6610 . Angela Sdrinis Legal is particularly interested to hear from anyone who was abused in Salvation Army Homes in NSW and QLD although information regarding any Salvation Army Home would be gratefully received.


A CLAN member who is a lawyer has prepared the following advice for us

For Care Leavers who want to approach the organisation which ran their institution to make a complaint about their time in “care”, please be aware of some important issues which could affect you.

You should seek legal advice before:

  • having a discussion with, or
  • signing any document for

any organisation or agency concerned with your abuse.

If you do not seek and/or legal advice, you may be compromising your rights by making statements or admissions about your time in “care”.

An abused person should not give details or dates about any of the following:

  • Contacts with police in relation to abuse
  • Victims Compensation Tribunal claims
  • Visits to psychiatrists or psychologists
  • Claims against governments or institutions or abusers

Care Leavers should never sign statements for abusers or institutions nor meet with the institution’s appointed psychologists or psychiatrists or release any documents or information to such people without prior legal advice.

You should only take these actions after specific legal advice about the consequences of doing so. Taking these actions could affect your further rights to take action against abusers/institutions.

Many Care Leavers may not realise that they have legal rights. You therefore may not think that there could be any consequences for you in making any of the above revelations.

Please contact CLAN if you want to discuss this and we can help you find the appropriate legal channels where someone can help you.