Ohio Boys’ Home, Walcha


Walcha NSW

Provider: Anglican Church

Year Opened: 1950

Year Closed: 1965

Ohio Boys’ Home, located in Walcha, was operated by the then Church of England (Anglican Church) from 1950. It was a companion home to the Coventry Home, in Armidale, which was for girls. Ohio Boys’ Home closed in the mid-1960s, and the boys were transferred to Coventry Home. It is now owned by Bruce and Jillian Mitchell and is a private residence. Ohio was originally built in the 1800s and Jillian is a descendant of the first owners. They have a writ for the property.

Related News Articles

Justice Denied Abuse Victims,  17 July 2013 (Armidale Express)

Church Under Fire for Gagging Abuse Victims, 27 October 2004 (ABC News)

Quite Happy at Home, but wanted Holiday at Armidale, 26 August 1953 (Armidale Express & New England General Advertiser)

C of E Ohio Boys’ Home, 10 September 1951 (Warialda Standard & Northern Districts’ Advertiser)

Ohio Home Officially Opened, 11 December 1950 (Armidale Express & New England General Advertiser)

⚠️ Warning: the following articles may cause distress

Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Granted Wish of Dying Victim Keith Grosser, 13 September 2014 (Australian)

Journalism Matters:  Power & Healing In Storytelling, 20 September 2014 (Courier Mail)

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