St Augustine’s Boys’ Orphanage, Highton, Geelong

St Augustine’s Boys’ Orphanage

South Valley Road, Highton, Geelong, VIC, Australia

Provider: Christian Brothers from 1978, previously the Friendly Brothers

Year Opened: 1939

Year Closed: 1988

1939: moved to Highton in 1939, from  Newton, Geelong.

St Augustine’s Adolescent and Family Services was established after the closure of the orphanage to provide small residential units, family support and specialist educational services.

CLAN has members who attended this Home.

For further information about this Home, please refer to:  A Piece of the Story by the National Directory of Records of Catholic Organisations (available from the CLAN Library).


Related News Articles

Radio talks for St Augustine’s Appeal, 11 March 1937 (Advocate)

Orphanage Swimming Carnival, 5 March 1947 (Advocate)

New Bus for Geelong Orphanage, 9 September 1954 (Advocate)

Loss of Faith Transcript, 9 June 2002 [dead link]

Donald Alford Obituary: A Christian Brother Paedophile, 16 April 2004 (Legacy)

Ground Zero: How the Ballarat Diocese Exported Paedophiles to the World, 23 September 2019 (Age)


CLAN Homes – Orphanages Gallery

If you have any images and would like to donate them, please contact CLAN.

Video: How Care Leaver, Johnno, found out about his sister’s death while in ‘care’ at St Augustine’s Orphanage – 16 March 2022

CLAN Museum Gallery

There are currently no images of historical items available for CLAN members to view for this Home. If you have any historical items and would like to donate them, please contact CLAN.

CLAN library books where this Home is mentioned include:

There are currently no other Library Items available for CLAN members to view for this Home. If you have any Library Items and would like to donate them, please contact CLAN.