Parkerville Children’s Home

Parkerville Children’s Home

Darling Ranges outside of Perth




Provider: Church of England

Year Opened: 1903

Year Closed: 2005


For further information about this Home, please refer to:  For The Record.

Established by Sister Kate Clutterbuck of the Community of the Sisters of the Church; once known as Parkerville Waifs’ Home.


Articles Relating to this Home: (Note: Ian’s Redress claim was finally resolved)

CLAN Homes – Orphanages Gallery

There are currently no other images available for CLAN members to view for this Home. If you have any images and would like to donate them, please contact CLAN.

CLAN Museum Gallery

There are currently no images of historical items available for CLAN members to view for this Home. If you have any historical items and would like to donate them, please contact CLAN.

CLAN library books where this Home is mentioned include:

QLD 41

A History of the Society of the Sacred Advent